I wasn’t sure how I would feel about this app when I first tried it out.  It seemed relatively boring and I didn’t think Screen Shot 2015-11-09 at 3.50.03 PMthat my students would be very excited about it.  I was very very wrong.  Cursive writing wizard is a very simple app that helps your students learn how to write cursive letters.  What makes it interesting?  There were 2 features that really engaged my students.  The first was that when you trace each letter it traces the letter with a different icon (e.g. tiger heads, bubbles, hearts, stars, etc.).  My students loved guessing what would come next and determined that their favorite was something that looked, to a third grader, like, “sparkly DNA.”  The second was the fact that you can add your own words into practice in cursive.  They all loved the fact that they could plug their name in and learn how to write it.  So, this app is now student approved and great for teaching cursive letters.  

Simple Uses?

I’m currently using it as a way of allowing students to move at their own pace through their cursive book.  Whenever the students get to a new letter they have to write the letters on the iPad first so that they know the correct method and then, when they feel confident they can go to their book and write the letters.

Do I Plan To Use It?

Already am!

Commitment And Learning Curve


Best For



$4.99 in the US store


Search for “Cursive Writing Wizard” on your prefered app store.