Navigation Series from Curricular Pathways is a four-section, web-based tool that assists students throughout the  Curricular Pathways Logoentire research to publication process. Each section (Planner, Drafter, Reviser, Publisher) supports students through a phase in the process. The sections are designed to present only the depth of information that a student needs. More information is available with a click, so kids who need greater detail have it, while the site maintains a clean appearance that does not overwhelm with a flood of information. Student files transfer seamlessly form one section to the next, allowing for months-long research projects that culminate in major papers.

Simple Uses?

International Baccalaureate External Assessments and National History Day papers are obvious uses. Any multi-week research paper will benefit.

Do I Plan To Use It?

Yes! I offer this process to kids who are doing a weeks-long project. I use other tools for the months-long projects.

Commitment And Learning Curve

Medium. One needs to stay in the system and not se it piecemeal.

Best For



