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Simple Machines is a visually appealing, colorful app that lets students work with simple machines including:simplemachines_appIcon1024x1024
  • Lever
  • Wheels
  • Inclined plane
  • Screw
  • Wedge
  • Pulley
Students investigate each simple machine and a guide book gives teachers and parents some ideas along the way. The graphics are really neat and with a unique style to them.  It is clearly not a game and is mostly a learning tool. It should be used as part of a learning lesson in class.


The app has a non standard look to it and at the outset I frankly thought it was gonig to be a more open-ended type of program.Sample Uses
  • Use it to teach a design unit for students where they first sketch out what they want for a robot then build it.
  • Students reflect on cause and effect.  What they thought would work and what actually worked in robot design.

Do I Plan to Use It?

I think so. I will look for some teachers who use simple machines and see what we can do from there.

Commitment and Learning Curve

Low commitment; medium learning curve.

Best for ES MS or HS?



2.99 USD

Website  and look for Robot Factory
Creative Commons