21CL Radio

Creace Provides Easy To Use Templates For Making Short Videos | Tech Tools Daily # 217

It is super easy to make videos today on our phones. You just open it up and start filming.  A bunch of apps are there to assist you with it too.  Today I am going to talk about a video filming app called Creace. Actually you pronounce it CreAce.  Get it?

Creace functions as a set of templates to make a quick video sharing your experiences out in the world. It nicely tells you exactly what to do, what ideas to share and sets the camera in front or selfie mode as needed to complete the video. It then uploads, processes, renders and downloads the video. From there you share it on your social media channels, or as we would at my school, share it on our SeeSaw accounts.


It is broken down into categories and the categories, such as LGBT causes, BMX biking and assess my dress might not work for all students. Might also be distracting as well when you want them to you something such as the “Happy to have” category.

Sample Uses

Do I Plan to Use It?

For me personally, it is great. For school… well I think I would like to wait until their are some more categories in there that are appropriate for ES.

Commitment and Learning Curve

Not much of one. Very easy to use.

Best for ES MS or HS?




Website Link
