JSTOR’s Research Basics is an online course that teaches students how to best use databases for research. The  JSTOR Logocourse contains 3 modules with three lessons within each module. Each module has an introduction, three video lessons of about 10 minutes in length, followed by practice quizzes. A module quiz is the final check for understanding. Each module will take about 45 minutes straight through. Module 1 focuses on search techniques. Module 2 teaches discernment so kids can better determine which sources are scholarly and which sources are not. Module 3 teaches proper citation techniques. JSTOR uses the open-source Learning Management System Moodle to host the course, so you can get a feel for this popular LMS option to boot.

Simple Uses?

IB and National History Day research both scream for this kind of student training. Any research using databases benefits from kids knowing how to maximize their time.

Do I Plan To Use It?

I already have. I love it, and will continue to use it with my kids.

Commitment And Learning Curve


Best For




