When you travel in a foreign country – like China – learning the language is important. Being able to communicate with cab or bus drivers in their language is essential if you want to get where you are going.  Giving directions to computers – or robots – in THEIR language is important if you want them to do what you want them to do.  “Excuse me, do you speak code?” On today’s podcast we’ll talk to someone who does!  Jeremy MacDonald, Education Content & Training Manager at Sphero, will be joining us to help you and your students learn to have a ball (a Sphero?) with coding.

Lessons Learned

Dennis –  iOS11 screenshots have markup tools! Add highlights, text, arrows, etc.

Chris – “Nothing works until you do” Maya Angelou. So true, which is why I am taking a deep dive into student-centered learning for my Morality & Ethics class next semester.

Daniel – Audio mixing – More specifically Mix-Minus – Understanding how to do a mix minus help me to better understand the bigger picture.

Fun Fact

What is the oldest computer programming language?

1957 – Fortran (short for “The IBM Mathematical Formula Translating System”) General-purpose, high-level. For numeric and scientific computing (as an alternative to assembly language). Oldest programming language still used today. 1959 – Cobol (short for “Common Business-Oriented Language) High-level.

Notes & Links

GUEST: Jeremy Macdonald, Education Content & Training Manager at Sphero

Coding Resources:

Sphero Education – https://www.sphero.com/education

Suggestions for Hour of Code week (and beyond…)


  • Hour of Code Resources




  • 15+ Ways of Teaching Every Student to Code (Even Without a Computer)

