21CL Radio

Tim Stuart Discusses Bringing Significant Shifts to How Singapore American School Delivers Education | Education Vanguard # 65

Change is coming!  We often hear that in education today.  We also often see signs and examples of those changes in new schools with a shared commitment to a contemporary pedagogy.

But what about larger schools? Schools that are already well established, doing well and seen as successful in many ways. How do they shift? Should they?

Today I talk with Tim Stuart, Executive Director for Strategic Programs at Singapore American School, all about change, significant change, in a large flourishing organization.

SAS is on a multi-year journey to improve how education is delivered at their campus. Today we talk all about that journey, what it looked like, lessons learned and where they are today.

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Dr. Tim Stuart grew up as an American in France and Germany and graduated from an international school as a multilingual Third Culture Kid (TCK). He appreciates Singapore American School as a place that is nimble and courageous enough to support revolutionary change while upholding a tradition of proven excellence.

Dr. Stuart landed in Singapore in 2010 as the high school principal and now serves as the executive director of strategic programs. Before SAS, Dr. Stuart’s professional teaching and administrative experiences brought him from eastern Turkey to Switzerland, from Washington State to the Navajo reservation in New Mexico, and then for three years as high school principal at Jakarta International School in Indonesia.
The co-author of several books on parenting, teaching, and mentoring, Dr. Stuart holds an Ed. D from Seattle Pacific University, an M.Ed from The College of New Jersey, and a B.A. from Wheaton College.