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Robert AppinoFor Robert Appino games are the “it!” for teachers as they look to deliver their curriculum to students. As you know, the competition for attention in our fast moving, fast feedback world is extremely high. Game based learning and gamification, as Robert says, engages our students in the learning objectives we set up for them. Ok, some of you might be thinking “Enough already!  These students just need to learn to focus and I am not going to pull in some game just to get their attention.” While I did not specifically say that directly to Robert, I suspect his response would be something like this…  "While there is some truth to that view, the reality is game based learning is just good learning practice and curriculum delivery." Games let us scaffold information and skills.  They provide instant feedback and let students repeat an objective over and over until they achieve mastery.  They also allow for differentiation and customized learning; students move forward at their own, appropriate pace.  On top of that, games are extremely motivating for most students. [tweetthis twitter_handles=@21cli"]#gamebasedlearning: increased engagement, productivity, creativity - @rappin01[/tweetthis] If you have read the book Drive by Daniel Pink, you may remember that he says we are motivated by mastery, autonomy and purpose.   Game based learning and gamification allow for just that. Robert covers even more in this interview and the 15 minutes we talked was surely not long enough. I plan to circle back at some point and unpack all this even more.


Robert Appino is an enthusiastic educator and learner. He likes the energy of working in middle school and has taught Humanities, Writing and Technology. Robert is the Middle School Technology Learning Facilitator at Saigon South International School in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. He enjoys helping students, teachers, administrators and parents leverage the transformative use of technology for learning. Robert is working on his doctorate in School Technology Leadership at the University of Kentucky. He is a SUNY CoETaIL instructor, very involved in the Global Issues Network (GIN), a UbD Trainer and passionate about game-based learning. Robert has presented at many regional conferences in Asia. You can find Robert on Twitter @rappin01 or read about his thoughts at

Links Roundup

  • Minecraft
  • Quizlet
  • Portal
  • Rob Newberry [Gamified Math Classroom]
  • Oculus Rift

Connect with Robert

  • The Twitter: @rappin01 
  • The Google Plus: +RobertAppino 
  • The LinkedIn: robertappino 
[tweetthis twitter_handles="@rappin01, @autismpodcast"]"I connect with students via games." -- Robert Appino #21clRadio[/tweetthis]
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