In this episode, Dr. Craig Harrison shares his work and research related to helping young people to find a love of movement and physical activity through sport and other recreational endeavours. Craig is highly committed to ensuring that all young people have an opportunity to connect with movement and understand the positive impact that it can have in their lives. His interpretation of the ‘student athlete’ is different than you would imagine. Craig and I deconstruct what it means to be a student athlete and the multiple factors that must be addressed in order to deliver a holistically empowering framework that allows all young people to embrace physical activity for life.
Craig Harrison is the Director of Athlete Development at AUT Millennium. Craig has a PhD in youth athlete development and focuses on uncovering best practice and inspiring change in the area. He leads a team of mighty coaches to create the best possible learning and improving environments for athletes to achieve their best. Before working at AUT Millennium, Craig held sport science and athlete conditioning roles in high performance sport.
Connect with Craig
Twitter: @drcraigharrison
Themes Discussed
The Student Athlete, Well-Being, Love of Movement, Physical Activity for Life, Relevant and Meaningful Learning in PE, Striving for Excellence