The Twitter!  For many of us it is something we enjoy and use to connect, learn and maybe share what is going on in Bill Krakowerour lives. For others it is a mass of conversations with no obvious pattern and place where the Jenner family shares the most intimate details of their personal lives.

For educators, though, it is valuable way to create and maintain a personal learning network that helps us all grow and connect to others who share the same interests. That may be special education, science, math or robotics.  Who knows!

Billy Krakower, my guest today, is the perfect person to talk about this.  He is the co author of the book 140 Twitter Tips for Educators and has a thing or two to say about how Twitter is something we should all take advantage of.

Connect With Billy

  • Evolving Educators
  • @wkraower


Billy is an educator from North New Jersey, where he teaches computers and STEAM to third and fourth grades.  He is also the co-author of three books, Connecting Your Students with The World, Using Technology to Engage Students with Learning Disabilities, and 140 Twitter Tips for Educators.