When you think of dyslexia, many things may come to your mind. Maybe difficulty in reading, jumbled letters, or themarylin day names of famous individuals with dyslexia such as John Lennon, Richard Branson, Jay Leno and Robin Williams to name a few.

Today I talk with Marilyn Day, Special Education Teacher and Chairperson of the Hong Kong Dyslexia Association.  She walks us through what dyslexia is, suggested strategies and what we have learned in recent years about it.

Marilyn is part of the crew helping to bring the Asia Pacific Dyslexia Conference to Hong Kong on May 21-22. For more information, check out their website: Dyscon.org


Marilyn has  been involved with the teaching of students who have barriers to learning for over 25 years in Hong Kong; mainly in an International school setting. She is particularly interested and passionate about the whole framework of teaching and learning with students who have been diagnosed with the term ‘dyslexic.’

In recognising the changes for the future of this term she is excited to see how this will unfold in the next 10 years.