Museum of the World is a website in orbit about the Google Culture Institute, in cooperation with the British
Museum. As a History teacher I was drawn to the word “museum” only to find another innovative Google initiative that extends beyond any traditional “History” category. On its surface, Museum of the World is a timeline of British Museum artifacts, organized by region of origin. Scratch the surface, though, and one finds much more. The artifacts are also organized by one of five categories, so a person wishing to view only those artifacts tagged with the “Religion and Belief” category become visible. Click on the object itself and one has the option to open a large window with text and audio detailing the object and the context of its manufacture, an Google map locating its place of discovery, and images of other objects in the collection that are related to the artifact in question. This is definitely a site where one’s instant gratification monkey can take control, resulting in an hour or three lost to the pleasure of learning.

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