NewseumEd is the website for the Newseum, the museum dedicated to news-history, located at 555 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C. I’ve passed it many a time on my trips to the District of Colombia with my students who were participating in the National History Day competition but the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum has always won the museum elections. NewseumEd is supported by the National Council for the Social Sciences because Newseum does an amazing job of connecting history and the news. Newseum proves the old saw that those who fail to learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them … repeat them … repeat them … The site has a distinct Web 2.0 look/feel, being clean, smooth, and logically organized. A link takes you to the resources page that contains hundreds of standards-aligned lesson plans and artifacts (PSDs, interviews, etc.) Information on free workshops for both students and teachers support actual and virtual visits to the Newseum. Professional development for teachers is also available here. Additionally, NewseumEd hosts an EdCommunity where teachers can share ideas and lesson plans
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