School is no place for games – or is it?  Today we’ll explore the principles of applying games and gamification in your classroom, and look at a few examples.  We’ll also discuss the difference between Gamification and Educational Games.

Lessons Learned

Dennis – There’s always room for ducks.

Chris – Thank yous may be few and far between, but you must realize that they represent many times over “thank yous” that never arrived. Have you contacted your most influential teacher? Please pause this podcast and do it now! Send it to the school if you don’t have the teacher’s contact information. Facebook, twitter … its all good!

Notes & Links

  • VIDEO: Games and Productive Struggle
    • Games take a “problem-based” approach to learning
    • Learn by DOING
    • Provide informative feedback
    • Provide experience of progressive growth
  • Gamification and Game Base Learning: 2 Different Things
    • Gamification – learning process as a whole is turned into a game.
    • Game-based Learning – games are used as part of the learning process
  • Apply Gamification in the Classroom
    • Instead of grades (max 100%), students got eXperience Points (XP).
    • each unit of the science subject is called level.
  • Top 10 Gamification Case Studies
  • Games and Gamification: Research from the eLearning Guild
    • A game is an activity with a defined goal or challenge, rules that guide achievement of the goal, interactivity with either other players or the game environment (or both), and feedback mechanisms that give clear cues as to how well or poorly you are performing.
    • Gamification – the inclusion of various game mechanics and game elements in a non-game context. A simplistic example of gamification for learning would be adding points, badges, and a leaderboard to your…course.

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